New Normal


Wow. Is any one else trying to wrap their minds around the new normalwe are currently experiencing? There are so many changes in play in our world right now and I see many people trying to make sense of it all and wondering,,, ‘is this our new normal?’

I want to encourage you in this season! We are a set apart people, we are called to BE the normal in EVERY season and situation we encounter. God is entirely intentional and deliberate in EVERYTHING He does and EVERYONE He creates. You are purposefully made for this era, time and season.

I am personally acquainted with the feeling of inadequacy and insufficiency. It seems that all I can see are my failings, both past and present, and the obstacles in my path. But GOD. You see, when we look at our selves we will always see the imperfect, but we arent supposed to look at ourselves! This journey is about GOD. His supernatural love, His supernatural power, His supernatural plan and purpose. When we realize that we dont need to perform, we dont have to be enough, we just need to keep pressing in to Him and loving Him and obeying Him, suddenly the mountains in our path dissipate.

It is NO mistake that you are alive right now. You and I have a calling on our lives to love God in the face of unique adversity. To walk in the faith that we have all been learning these past few years. We get to show the world what an awesome God we serve. He truly is both the Creator of the universe and our loving, Abba Father. He is all these things even as we face challenges we have never encountered before. The lost people of the world need to know the Jesus we know! They need to see the peace and calm that comes from a relationship with our Heavenly Father. They need to know that we are human too and while we face the same fears, difficulties, imperfections and anxieties that they do we have a powerful, mighty, loving Father who takes us by the hand and leads us to safety, to peace, to freedom, to health, to abundance, to joy, to victory!

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

John 16:33
And everything Ive taught you is so that the peace which is in Me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in Me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous,[a] for I have conquered the world!”[b]

Continue to talk to the Lord and listen to Him. He has an answer to every question and situation you face that will stir your spirit to action and a balm that will sooth your weary heart and mind.

We are the Victorious Ones because the Holy Spirit is alive inside of us!! Blessing and Peace to my family in Christ